
Palletliners are developed and marketed by a business management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO9001:2015.

Senior management recognises that customer satisfaction and continual improvement is fundamental to the business and will provide the necessary resources to ensure the effective operation of the business management system.

Through effective leadership we are committed to:

  • Complying with customer, statutory and regulatory requirements
  • Continually improving our processes and capabilities
  • Meeting and exceeding customers’ expectations
  • Setting quality objectives with the aim of delivering error free products and services
  • Improving employee competence and motivation by investing in training and development
  • Empowering  and supporting all employees
  • Achieving and maintaining a level of quality and service that enhances our reputation leading to repeat business and profitable growth
  • Providing a safe and secure work environment

We are committed to complying with the requirements of ISO9001:2015 and enhancing customer satisfaction to the mutual benefit of the business and our customers.

This policy is fully supported by the management team and is communicated to all employees.